
"Delightful Duo: Sesame Seed-Topped Croissant and Crispy Chip"

Jan 31, 2024 - 10:40amWalthamstow-Greater London

Caption: A sesame seed-topped croissant paired with a crispy chip, ready for a delightful snack.

Description: A fresh croissant with a shiny, caramelized exterior sprinkled with sesame seeds is displayed on a piece of white paper. Beside the croissant, there is a crispy-looking piece of what appears to be potato chip. The setting suggests a casual setting, possibly inside a café with a view of the street visible through the window in the background.A fresh croissant with a shiny, caramelized exterior sprinkled with sesame seeds is displayed on a piece of white paper. Beside the croissant, there is a crispy-looking piece of what appears to be potato chip. The setting suggests a casual setting, possibly inside a café with a view of the street visible through the window in the background.

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